Haven Automation Limited
Email: sales@haven.co.uk
Tel General: +44 (0) 1792 588722
Tel Sales: + 44 (0) 1792 580255
Tel Service: + 44 (0) 1792 579696
This software has been designed to enable you to get the most from your Tempcal Calibrators and our range of portable thermo-regulators. Where applicable you will be able to:
Input set points
Read block temperature
Perform switch test functions (on selected models only)
Create and run temperature cycle programs specifying
setpoint, ramp rate and hold time -
Interface to external thermometers such as the
Spec-Cal Eclipse II, Techne Accu-Temp and Accu-Temp 2,
Cropico 3000 and ASL F250
A TempWorks Plus version of the software is also available which will enable you to:
Calibrate the unit
Output the contents of the onboard RAM

Compatible units are as follows:
Dry-Block Calibrators:
Tempcal F, H and S models (Obsolete Products)
Tempcal 700X (Obsolete Product)
Tempcal 1200S (Obsolete Product)
Oil / Water Bath:
FB Series Baths:
SBL Series Baths:
TC-8D Controller
RB Series Baths:
TU-20D head only