Haven Automation Limited
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Model 535
The Model 535 from Practical Instrument Electronics (PIE) brings the features of a calibrator for 4-20 milliamp as well as 10-50 milliamp process loops in one pocket sized unit.
The EZ-Dial™ knob and EZ-Check™ switch are all that’s needed to make quick adjustments or set 0% or 100% of full scale.
The EZ-Step™ button provides one-handed stepping. Automatic stepping and ramping modes allow hands-free testing and calibration of the process loop with HIGH accuracy and repeatability designed in collaboration with Nuclear plants. The basic Model 535 supplies over 42V at 50 mA to power most instruments. The Model 535-50 supplies over 50V at 50 mA for instruments requiring power supplies of 48 V dc.
With the Model 535, calibration is easy as PIE.

4 to 20 mA Loop Functions
Source and Read 0.000-24.000 mA
Simulate 2-Wire Transmitters
Power 2-Wire Transmitters and Read 0.000-24.000 mA
Display current in mA or -25.00 - 125.00 % of 4-20 mA
10 to 50 mA Loop Functions
Source and Read 0.000-50.000 mA
Simulate 2-Wire Transmitters
Power 2-Wire Transmitters and Read 0.000-50.000 mA
Display current in mA or -25.00 - 105.00 % of 10-50 mA
Read Voltage Function
Read 0.00 to ± 30.00 VDC with 4X over range ability
Source Voltage Function
Source 0.000 to 24.000 VDC
High Accuracy
±0.025% of reading
contrast High graphic display viewable in all lighting conditions and angles
Bar graph for quick reference of input and output levels
Full 5 Digit Display
Change the speed of dialling your test point by just pushing down on the knob
Easily adjust output by 0.001 mA (0.01 %) or 0.100 mA (1.00 %) -
EZ-DialTM Knob
EZ-CheckTM Switch with EZ-StepTM Button
3-position tactile switch with push button for true onehanded calibrations
Push button for stepping through calibration points
16 different step sizes
Hands-free auto step and auto ramp modes
Selectable soak and step time for working with valves
Industry Standard Input/Output Connections
Conveniently located banana jacks on top panel
Optional Analog Output
Model 535A includes a 10 mV/mA proportional output provided on bottom panel banana jacks for connection to chart recorders and data loggers
Uses 4 AA Alkaline Batteries
Superior battery life of 10 hours in source mode
>40 hours battery life in read mode
Easy access to battery compartment
240 VAC Tolerant
Fuse-less protection from accidental misuse
Lightweight and rugged with a solid feel
Convenient Velcro hand strap allows for a firm confident grip or attachment to pipes and ladders.